Drones are an ever increasingly common sight on building sites, and for good reason.

Construction projects tend to involve vast amounts of measurements, data collection, planning and most of all legwork.  For larger building sites this translates into titanical amounts of work, and subsequently titanical costs. So it should come to no surprise that  project managers and engineers are turning to drones to automatize some of the processes, make data collection easier and cutting down costs and time.

The number of potential applications is extremely vast and always expanding as technology progresses. Amongst the most common applications we find:

  • land surveying and mapping
  • 3d modeling
  • job site monitoring
  • real time feedback and monitoring for  financers, project managers, etc.
  • infrastructure monitoring and inspection
  • showing clients live progress
  • improving safety records
  • project optimization with data analysis

For more information or to get a quote visit our “Contact us” section